Nº1 | JAN 2023


Empowering Small Businesses for Sustainability with Digital Transformation

This ERASMUS+ project arises to meet the need for micro and small companies, to become more digital and innovative.

Small.Com is a partnership between Edit Value and Associação Empresarial de Portugal (AEP) from Portugal, Transferimento Tecnologico Innovazione (T2i) from Italy and Globalnet from Poland.

It aims to develop a tool for assessing companies’ digital maturity combined with the offer of modules and training content on digital transformation and adaptation of business models that are very directed to most of the European business networks, that is, micro and small companies. SME’s is the largest group of companies in the EU (almost 99%), so our objective is to raise their awareness, such as their partners, managers, and workers, about the necessary changes in their business model and their approach to the market.

The First Result

Digital transformation trends directed to micro and small companies

The Small.com project E-book, “Digital transformation trends directed to micro and small companies” aims to aggregate in a single document all the relevant information on the digital transformation process. It focuses on the trends in digital transformation at sectoral, national and European level, by giving examples of good digital transformation process practices in micro and small companies. Moreover, serves as a basic guidebook to the theoretical concepts on the subject by giving a definition of existing and emerging needs of digital transformation in micro and small enterprises, and definition of key skills for the digital transformation process in micro and small businesses.

The Small.com project e-book stands out from the other materials already available in the market since it provides a practical point of view of the theme. By conducting focus groups with companies and interviews with experts in the digital transformation fields, this e-book offers a detailed insight about the current and future real needs associated with digital transformation, both to companies and to people overall.

Given that the e-book concerns a theoretical educational tool, it is aimed at all individuals wishing to increase their knowledge of digital transformation, namely, students, management and entrepreneurship teachers, trainers, researchers, entrepreneurs, workers, managers and other stakeholders. For the realization of the e-book, the information was addressed in a general way, so that micro and small companies in any sector of activity, as well as any individual, identify and assimilate the essential theoretical bases for the definition of a digital transformation process.

In this way, the e-book represents a precursor to the personalization of information for the digital transformation process, foreseen in the rest of the Small.com project. Thus, it is an educational and informative tool that allows companies, future companies, and any individual that would like to learn more about digital transformation, to acquire information about the digital transformation process, fostering the interest in initiating a digital transformation strategy.

Transnational Meetings

When – June 13th, 2022 
Where – Braga - Portugal (Edit Value) 
Meeting Minute: 

  • Presentation and discussion of results already achieved;

  • Task definition needed to leverage the project and provide the best results for companies and individuals in terms of digital transformation processes.

When – October 13th & 14th, 2022 
Where – Verona - Italy (T2i) 
Meeting Minute: 

  • Online questionnaire aimed at assessing digital competences, linked to the diverse branches of the companies was thoroughly discussed, designed and scheduled;

  • Identification of collaborators and in general of ordinary people needs, to pave the way to the prosecution of the next project results;

  • MOOC (massive open online course) design, where ideally the skill gaps recognized during the questionnaire will be treated in a fancy, easy to use way, introducing gamification in the delivery of the contents.